I am interested in designing enzyme, light and pH dependent activatable nanoparticles for drug delivery and tumor immunotherapy;
I can also use multimodality imaging technologies to monitor cancer therapy response, including MRI, PET, SPECT, photoacoustics imaging and optical imaging;
Selected Publications
Shi Gao#, Liwen Zhang# (equal contribution first author), Jie Yang, Qingjie Ma*, Lei Zhu*. Hybrid Graphene/Au Activatable Theranostic Agent for Multimodalities Imaging Guided Enhanced Photothermal Therapy. Biomaterials, 2016, 79, 36-45
Guohao Wang, Fan Zhang, Liwen Zhang, Shi Gao, Guifeng Fu, Qingjie Ma, Lei Zhu*. Dual-Targeted Indocyanine Green-Hyaluronic Acid Nanoparticle Fabricated Nanotubes for Photoacoustic Imaging Guided Enhanced Phototherapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,
2016, 8, 5608–5617
Liwen Zhang, Pengfei Rong, Minglong Chen, Shi Gao*, Lei Zhu*. A Novel Single Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWCNT) Functionalization Agent Facilitating in Vivo Combined Chemo/Thermo Therapy. Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 16204-16213. (Cover story)
Jingjing Wang, Liwen Zhang, Minglong Chen, Shi Gao, Lei Zhu*. Activatable Ferritin Nanocomplex for Real-Time Monitoring of Caspases-3 Activation during Photodynamic Therapy (PDT). ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7,
23248 − 23256
Liwen Zhang, Shi Gao, Fan Zhang, Kai Yang, Qingjie Ma, Lei Zhu*. Activatable Hyaluronic Acid Nanoparticle as a Theranostic Agent for Optical/Photoacoustic Image-Guided Photothermal Therapy. ACS Nano2014, 8, 12250-12258
2017-present, Ph.D., Department of Chemical Science, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), KSA
2013-2016, M.S., Xiamen University, China
2008-2013, B.S., Xi’an Medical University, China
The Bendong Scholarship (one of the best scholarship in Xiamen University), 2016
National Scholarship for Graduate Students, China, 2015
KAUST Affiliations
Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials Center(AMPMC)
Division of Physical Science and Engineering (PSE)