Synthesis of Platinum Nanotubes and Nanorings via Simultaneous Metal Alloying and Etching

by Huang, Z., Raciti, D., Yu, S., Zhang, L., Deng, He, J., Liu, Y., Khashab, N. M., Wang, C., Gong, Nie
Year: 2016


Huang, Z.; Raciti, D.; Yu, S.; Zhang, L.; Deng, L.; He, J.; Liu, Y.; Khashab, N. M.; Wang, C.; Gong, J.; Nie, Z. Synthesis of Platinum Nanotubes and Nanorings via Simultaneous Metal Alloying and Etching. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 6332–6335


Metallic nanotubes represent a class of hollow nanostructures with unique catalytic properties. However, the wet-chemical synthesis of metallic nanotubes remains a substantial challenge, especially for those with dimensions below 50 nanometers. This communication describe a simultaneous alloying-etching strategy for the synthesis of Pt nanotubes with open ends by selective etching Au core from coaixial Au/Pt nanorods. This approach can be extended for the preparation of Pt nanorings when Saturn-like Au core/Pt shell nanoparticles are used. The diameter and wall thickness of both nanotubes and nanorings can be readily controlled in the range of 14 nm to 37 nm and 2 nm to 32 nm, respectively. We further demonstrated that the nanotubes with ultrathin side walls showed superior catalytic performance in oxygen reduction reaction.


Metallic Nanotubes Alloying-etching Catalysis